About Us at BetterThanPlastic.com 💚

Climate change is a massive problem that threatens all living things on earth as we know it. All living things are effected by the impact of humans have had on our planet. There is no single best practice for creating a positive difference in our world.  In fact, just by effort, if a large enough population of people just made imperfect changes, collectively we could make a major positive change in the health of our environment.

Because of that, while no signal person or business can make a big enough difference, the collective effort of many people are a positive powerful force.

Each of us has an environmental footprint that contributes to this massive problem. No single person or business can make a big enough difference. This is a collective problem, and it will take a collective effort to bring massive positive change.

First, we need to understand that environmental footprint shrinking our environmental footprint and taking steps to lower our environmental impact imaking everyday sustainable is essential for making of us and the environment. Living more sustainably means taking thoughtful action and making a durable difference.  To make this happen, we created sustainable solutions that make a difference and bring awareness. We created ForeverUse. 

ForeverUse is everyday sustainable. Our mission is to live each day sustainably and create better outcomes for you and the environment.  Better for the environment. Better for you.

ForeverUse is committed to quality and sustainability.  All of our products are made in small batches.  Manufacturing in this way allows us to focus on long lasting durability, reduces waste, minimizes use of resources, uses less energy, and reduces overall emissions.  Our products utilize all natural sustainable materials. 

BetterThanPlastic.com is the place where you can make a better difference that lasts.